Friday, October 23, 2015

Ask an SEO Company About Incorporating SEO Into Your Website Design

With the help of a Houston SEO company, you can create a customized website that is tailored specifically to your business. While some websites do not incorporate local SEO into the design, the best website designers will provide this service to you. Local SEO can include everything from blog posts and locally-optimized static text, to localized meta descriptions and more. These efforts will help your business receive higher rankings when localized search terms are used. For example, if you have a law firm, your target client base will most likely be Houston residents. Many who are searching for a personal injury lawyer in Houston will search for “personal injury law Houston” or a similar term. This will return a list of law firms in the Houston area.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Tips from an SEO Company: How Law Firms Can Increase Online Visibility

According to the American Bar Association’s latest National Lawyer Population Survey, there are 1,300,705 lawyers in the U.S. Houston and the rest of Texas racked up high numbers with 86,494 lawyers, ranking third nationwide, next to New York and California. This means that professionals in this line of work have to be extra creative to get the word out about their practice due to the ever increasing number of competitors. In today’s technologically dependent society, lawyers can ill-afford to lag behind the competition in the search results. Law firms can turn to a trusted SEO company for help with marketing efforts to increase their online visibility. Produce Relevant Website Content Producing keyword-optimized unique content that are useful enough to help direct traffic to your website and give your potential clients useful information is the best way to achieve a commanding lead in search engine rankings, which helps to boost your presence online.